Joining First Unitarian Church

Welcome! We are so pleased that you are interested in joining the church. Please complete the form below. You will receive an e-mail from a staff member or lay leader confirming your membership in the church. Our minister will reach out to invite you to participate in a New Member Recognition in an upcoming worship service.

New Member Form



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If you have school-age children who will be attending services with you, please provide their information below. For 6th-12th grade students, please include their e-mail address and phone number for our youth groups.

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Affirming your intention to join First Unitarian Church

Are You Ready to Join First U?*

Type your name and date above to sign

Our ministries are supported through the generous giving of our members and friends. Our beautiful building is supported through our endowment, so that 100% of your pledge supports ongoing programs such as worship services, pastoral care, faith development, music, community action and service. All members of First Unitarian Church are invited to support our mission at the level that is right for them.

I pledge the above amount to support First Unitarian Church.

Other options

Getting involved is the best way to make friends and deepen your relationships at First U. Here are one-time volunteer opportunities and ongoing groups that may interest you. Check all that apply.

One-Time Volunteering

Ongoing Groups