
Joyful Giving

Our ministries are supported through the generous giving of our members and friends. Giving supports our worship services, our music, our programs for children and youth, and the opportunities we provide for community action and service. Our spiritual lives call us to generosity of spirit, of words, of heart, and of money. If First Unitarian Church has found a place in your heart, will you help support all we do together?

support our church

Ongoing annual support from members and friends provides the majority of funding for our ministries. We are asking our members and friends to renew their pledge from last year, and to consider a modest increase. We know that some will be able to make an increase, some will not, and some will be able to do even more than what is asked.

If you're new to First Unitarian Church, there are many ways to think about your gift. Some people consider giving a percentage of their income or an ongoing monthly amount that is right for them. A member of the stewardship team would be happy to discuss pledging with you.

Together, each of us giving the amount that is right for us, we can achieve our goal. Thank you for all your gifts of time, money and spirit to our church. Once you have completed this form, you will receive a letter from the church confirming the amount of your pledge.

Pledge Form

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Please renew my pledge plus the amount entered below

Other Pledge Options

I would like to pay my pledge by:

Would you like to receive information about legacy giving?

The 1785 Society

The 1785 Society is the legacy society of First Unitarian Church. It honors those members, past and present, who have made a bequest to First Unitarian Church in their will. The bequests of our late members are remembered with honor on a plaque in the church parlor.

Anyone can become a member of the 1785 Society; all it takes is adding the church to your will and letting the church office know. Bequests of all sizes support our ongoing mission and ensure the longevity and strength of liberal religion in Worcester. Members are listed (with permission) in an annual report to the congregation. To learn more, contact the church office at .


Save the Date:  November 2, 2024

Admission is free, however, a Ticket is Required.  Email    or call the office at 508-757-2708 or register HERE.

Included in your ticket is: Silent Auction, Live Music, Complementary hor d'oeuvres, Live Auction with Auction Paddle, Cocktails and Mocktails, Desserts

Also available is the Wall-of-Wine Raffle for $10 per raffle ticket.  The winner takes home ALL the wine in the Raffle!

This is an opportunity to enjoy a fun night out while supporting the good work of the church!