Gentle Kundalini Yoga with HariKirin
Every Thursday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
At First Unitarian Church, we are committed to justice and service. In our own congregation, we are welcoming of all people. Whatever your age, race, class, nationality, sexual orientation or gender identity, you are welcome here. We strive to support the inherent worth and dignity of every person in our church and in the community at large.
Together with congregations of all faiths, we support the In The Hour of Need family shelter in Worcester. Volunteers provide evening and overnight staffing, as well as financial support for groceries, for three weeks a year. We dedicate our Christmas Eve offering to IHN every year. In December 2020, we raised more than $11,000 to support their work in the community. Click here for details
First Unitarian Church is a Welcoming Congregation. We are intentionally welcoming of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and families. All of our programs are inclusive and affirming.
Volunteers provide occasional meals for several humanitarian organizations in Worcester County, including Dismas Family Farm, Worcester Fellowship, and the LGBT Asylum Task Force.
Our organizing efforts are led by the Social Justice Committee. Anyone is welcome to attend meetings and get involved. First Unitarian Church is a member of One Worcester and Worcester Interfaith.