
The Quest for the Six Sources

The Six Sources of Wonder and Wisdom

Wiogora and First Unitarian Church both have Six Sources of Wonder and Wisdom, and with the help of the Wiogora Castle and the Magical Chest of Wonder and Wisdom we'll be exploring these six sources over the course of this year:
  • The Mystery and Wonder of the Universe
  • Heroes & Heroines from the past
  • Wisdom from the World's Great Religions
  • Jewish and Christian Teachings
  • Science & Reason
  • Earth Centered Traditions

online magic

Classes restart on Jan 10th and run until the end of May. Classes start at 10:45, and finish at 11:30. Young scholars will be provided with a Google account that will allow them to access our shared classes.

At 10:30 join the first 15 minutes of the online worship service to watch our weekly Magical Moment - a story or skit exploring one of our Six Sources of Wonder and Wisdom, which starts at about 10:40.

After the Magical Moment, at about 10:45 Scholars will sign into their Google account and join a class. We'll offer two class choices each Sunday: Transfiguration, Incantations, or On-Line Games and Minecraft.

At 11:15 everyone will come together in our virtual UU-Ogora Great Hall for fifteen minutes of wonderings, puzzle solving, singing, and community.

Check out our Minecraft Church:

Minecraft meets twice a week, on Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 and on Sundays during UU-Ogora from 10:45-11:15 with Chip.

UUnified learning

UUnified learning recognizes that parents are the main spiritual educators of their children and that learning is a life long process. We never stop learning, so our program aims to support all members of First Unitarian Church deepen their faith and knowledge of the world.

our gnome community

First Unitarian and the Wiogora School of Wonder and Wisdom has been joined by a community of gnomes from the renovated CourtHouse next door. They've been looking for a safe new home and as we are a community that celebrates diversity and acceptance they came to us for help. Our families have adopted Gnomes until we can provide a permanent Gnome space in church and we've been enjoying learning all about Gnomes. To find out more take a look at Our Gnome Padlet