Convivium Musicum Concert

Convivium Musicum Concert
Saturday, June 01, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Tickets are $25 General Admission, $15 for students and seniors

Saturday, June 1, 7 pm

Convivium Musicum presents “Draw On, Sweet Night”

Tickets $25/$15 (stu/sen/limited income)

Join Convivium Musicum, a Renaissance choir, for a journey through night and darkness. Starting with music by William Byrd written for the Evensong service, we will move through music both sacred and secular before arriving at dawn and day, and ending once again with William Byrd and his setting of "Haec Dies." We will explore music featuring the sounds of owls and nightingales, madrigals exploring nighttime feelings of melancholy, music referencing the moon and stars, and texts from the Tenebrae services. Of course the centerpiece of the concert will be John Wilbye's exquisite madrigal "Draw On, Sweet Night." We hope you join us for music by Josquin, Palestrina, Lassus, Hassler, Pevernage, Aleotti, and others. Don't miss this diverse and spectacular end of the season!

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